Friday, 18 December 2015

Presentation of the 7 questions

Presentation of the 7 questions

In what ways does your Media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real Media products?
           My magazine Starting 11 is very reflective to other well known magazines. I could improve it by (page 2) splitting the page into 3 columns as that's how it is when in a professional magazine. you don't always want to challenge conventions as there conventions are the popular ones.

How does your Media product represent particular social groups?

It meets lots of different peoples needs as it covers lots of different leagues and is suitable to anybody that has an interest in football. So the amount of people it reaches is very vast.

What kind of institution might distribute your media product and why?

A company that would like to buy my products to sell them is BT sport as they have not got a magazine at this present time. They would like a magazine to sell and increase some profit. This company also has a very large growth potential which will help the sales for my magazine.

Who would be the audience for your Media product?

The audience of people who will want to buy my product is people who are interested In football, we cover lots of leagues even non- league football. So it covers many thousands of people which increases the amount of sales we get.

How did you attract/address your audience?

It will be advertised on BT sport as this company will be selling my product and they are a very big company which is still growing a lot., and has lots of growth potential.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product?

I have learned how to use a professional programme called InDesign to create a professional magazine. I also learned how to use the Photoshop to edit my photos so that the quality of my photos are up to a professional standard.

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Looking back at my first draft I feel I have learnt how to use the programme InDesign. I've learned many key words stretching from Pugs to Skylines. The rule of a successful business is to make the cover appealing to the audience from first sight so it draws attention to them.

Friday, 11 December 2015



The following table below explains the conventions of GRANITE. If you can follow these rules when creating a magazine its bound to be successful.

Friday, 4 December 2015

Magazine contents page analsis - 2

Magazine Contents page analysis
I had to analysis two contents pages to find out what the codes and conventions are so when I make my contents page I know what it is I need to do. If I want to get the highest grade possible I need to stick to the codes and conventions of professional magazines. I can challenge the conventions but its hard to change a professional magazine style layout.

This is my contents page and I used the help of the magazine to find out the codes and conventions so I could stick to them when I done my contents page. The image below is off the magazine that I used to help me. It helped a lot as it gave me a chance to review a professional contents page to take ideas from it and use it in my personal magazine

Friday, 27 November 2015

Magazine front cover analysis- 2 covers

Magazine Front cover analysis
For my end product I was going to be graded on the music magazine, I knew that I was going to complete a front cover, a double page contents page and a feature article. I want my music magazine to look as professional as possible so I completed a preliminary task before hand for practise. To fulfil this I understood that I needed to look at magazines that already exists and analysis them to find out the codes and conventions to be able to use these techniques effectively in both my preliminary task and the final product. Having the ability to fulfill these will result in having a magazine at a higher professional standard. 
The magazine above is the preliminary task that I completed, I decided to anaylyse this magazine as it gave me a better chance to learn on both how I can improve and to reduce the errors I make when it comes to creating the final product. I also used my magazine to anyalyse so I get the full understanding of how conventions work and how they should be used. Being able to do this will benefit me when it comes to creating the music magazine.
 The magazine above is the professional magazine that I have researched and analysed. Match of the day magazine is one of the most popular magazines for football world wide, so I felt that if I done research and analysis on their front cover it would benefit me when I make my magazines. When analyzing this front cover I realised how many different conventions they use. The fact the page is very full and busy compared to the magazine that I made did make me think I need to add a lot more onto the front cover of my magazine. This magazine also draws in the attention of the customer a lot more than my magazine would and this is because there is a lot more colour, it looks a lot more exciting than my magazine. From this I can conclude that I need to add a lot more onto the front cover of my magazine.

Friday, 20 November 2015

Researching the magazine industry tasks

The magazine Industry
There are two types of magazine businesses and they are called trade and consumer. Trade magazines serve a particular industry such as cars and home buyers etc.  Consumer magazines are written for the general audiences and they aim towards a specific market. For example a football magazine would target teenagers.

Five reasons why magazines sales might be falling in the United Kingdom
1- The number of magazine brands that have released digit editions of magazines have increased massively. This will lead to a decrease as many people would rather go online to find out news for free.
2- If magazines don't put enough adverts in their magazine the amount of customers they get could drop and therefore sales will drop. They would lose customers because some people only buy magazines for the adverts.
3- Blogs are now being used more widely, therefore the amount of competition magazines are getting is also increasing.
4- Social Media is trending more so people don't go out to buy news they can find out for free online.
5- Live events are being held more often so there is less need to go out and buy a magazine.

Six different magazine categories
1- Religion
2- General News
3- Cooking and Food
4- Fashion
5- Sport
6- Home and garden.

Choose one type of magazine and write down conventions that the audience might expect to see if they were going to buy the magazine.
1- Friendly Body Language
2- Clear themes
3- Bold and Bright Masthead
4- Magazine Colour Scheme
5- Clothing and colour schemes
6- Horoscopes
7- Main Pictures
8- Celebrities
9- Competition
10- Advice
11- Advertising make up Brands.

Beuer Media
Beuer are a conglomerate that produce the following music magazines;
"Kerrang, Mojo, Q". Kerrang is a popular rock/punk magazine. Both Mojo and Q are popular indie/rock magazines. All three of these magazines are very popular with the target audience they are aiming to obtain.

Target Audiences
- Kerrang aims its magazines at people in the 17 to 24 age group.
- Q has a much wider and older age group than Karrang, Q aim for people in the age group of 16-34.
-Mojo has the oldest target audience as they aim for people between the ages of 25-44