Friday, 27 November 2015

Magazine front cover analysis- 2 covers

Magazine Front cover analysis
For my end product I was going to be graded on the music magazine, I knew that I was going to complete a front cover, a double page contents page and a feature article. I want my music magazine to look as professional as possible so I completed a preliminary task before hand for practise. To fulfil this I understood that I needed to look at magazines that already exists and analysis them to find out the codes and conventions to be able to use these techniques effectively in both my preliminary task and the final product. Having the ability to fulfill these will result in having a magazine at a higher professional standard. 
The magazine above is the preliminary task that I completed, I decided to anaylyse this magazine as it gave me a better chance to learn on both how I can improve and to reduce the errors I make when it comes to creating the final product. I also used my magazine to anyalyse so I get the full understanding of how conventions work and how they should be used. Being able to do this will benefit me when it comes to creating the music magazine.
 The magazine above is the professional magazine that I have researched and analysed. Match of the day magazine is one of the most popular magazines for football world wide, so I felt that if I done research and analysis on their front cover it would benefit me when I make my magazines. When analyzing this front cover I realised how many different conventions they use. The fact the page is very full and busy compared to the magazine that I made did make me think I need to add a lot more onto the front cover of my magazine. This magazine also draws in the attention of the customer a lot more than my magazine would and this is because there is a lot more colour, it looks a lot more exciting than my magazine. From this I can conclude that I need to add a lot more onto the front cover of my magazine.

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